Money management should be taught in school to help people be successful adults. By learning to manage money you earn, you can become better at budgeting your income. This will keep you from losing your housing or utilities for not paying your bills. It can also help you understand how much things cost, so you’ll know how much money you need to save to move out on your own.
a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. hope this helps
Newsboys worked 10 hours a day and 6 days a week
C. Write whatever your thoughts are in no particular order.
Free- writing is the manner or form of writing where the writer or author is free to write whatever he/ she wants. The topic, pattern, or anything related t the work is all dependent on the author and is not dictated by any form of guidelines or set of rules to be followed. The freedom to write his thoughts, in whatever pattern and order he wants, and even maybe dealing with personal or fictional stories, are all part of what the free writing entails. The very word "free writing" is proof of the form of writing that it is about. Everything is all up to the one who is to write the work, with no form or rule to be followed or adopted.