I think that absolute phrases are the underlined element in this passage by Charles Dickens.
The following ones can be identified: “… flowing up the river […] city”, “…rolling down the river […]city”. Absolute phrases happen when a noun and a participle (in this case the present participle –ing) function as an independent clause. In this case, they describe the clause, the manner of the movement of the fog.
To make new friends you should start by joining groups or clubs with similar interests to you. Put yourself out there and be friendly to those you meet so they know you're open to being their friend. Keep conversation polite, but be you. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. If things go well, you can ask them for a way you can contact them to hang out or chat again. Continue to be nice and chat with them regularly to keep your friendship thriving.
Because most people prefer to believe that investing your time into someone else's life you may get one sided stories and false truths maybe even fabricated tales. And it's not uncommon for journalists to use heavy propaganda and false statements and facts. And the fact that they follow around a certain person's life they see things that said person probably didn't give permission for them to see.
~ Earth hours - This campaign was started in Australia to promote and protect the environment. ...
~ Sweetie - This campaign was directed to tackle the exploitation problem and global child trafficking, through a computer-generated child called sweetie.