The Three-Fifths Compromise established that a state’s enslaved population would be counted for partial representation.
The Three-Fifths Compromise was an agreement made between delegates during the Constitutional Convention (1787) that established that the number of seats in the House of Representatives for each state should be calculated in accordance to the number of free persons (excluding Indians not taxed) and the three-fifths of slaves in every state. In other words, the Compromise counted three out of every five slaves as people for partial representation. This agreement would increase the power of slave states.
Republic Presidential system
Federal republic Constitutional republic
writing the principaia mathematica
In 1776, Delaware was the first state to adopt this.
The Benz patent motor-wagon was the first car to be invented in the year 1886. It would be about 135 years old today. I think the human race has evolved a lot, it went from walking to taking airplanes, It went from living in caves to living in luxurious mansions, it went from eating raw unhealthy foods to eating healthy foods etc