The colonists thought they were being taxed for problems that they did not create, and in wars that they did not participate in. They thought George III was a tyrant, which he was. Their reasons are clearly laid out in the declaration of Independence. They have (I would say) about 2 dozen grievances and their attitude was enough was enough.
The British fought because their empire was being threatened. They were losing colonies which they thought were rightfully theirs. They came very close (in the beginning) to winning. Maybe George was a little insane, but he was their king and the government flowed from him.
At the peak of its power, Mesopotamia is known for its solid city defense and efficient production of Agricultural products.
This happens due to many technological developments that were created by Mesopotamia, such as the development of wheel, Plowing tools, writings, architectural structure, etc.
Don Red-man
Don Red-man was a great jazz arranger in history. He was a writer along with he was invented jazz big band arrangement. After completion of his graduation degree, he starts music with Billy and after that, he met with Henderson who was a chief arranger. After a few years, Red-man becomes a competitor of Henderson. It was shocking for Henderson. He put his band together till 1941. After that, he worked as a freelancer and arranged a band for the swing era. He was a famous music director. His influential work was between the year of 1920 to 30.
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