which play are u talking about?
Like painters and photographers of the same period, many modernist writers experimented with __.
Answer: Out of all the options presented above the one that completes the statement above and makes it true is answer choice C) Narrative Viewpoint. A great example would be a story narrated in first person. The story's perspective changes depending on what narrative viewpoint is used.
I hope it helps, Regards.
This would be "Rising Action." Most problems happen here.
Think of it in movies. Your ACTION is because of a CONFLICT two characters are having.
She is referring to her brother, Polynices, who was killed in the battle known as the Seven Against Thebes. King Creon (or Creonte), who is also Antigone's uncle, is actively preventing her from seeing her brother and ensuring a proper burial.
Tips on writing essays:
-Don't be wordy. Use clear sentences, and write down the points you want to make beforehand so you know exactly what you need to write about.
-Don't be afraid to edit! Write a full story if you need to, and then clean it up when you're done writing to make it legible and precise.
-Don't focus on how many words/letters you've written so far. Write as much as you can, and then after you're done with the editing process add more if needed.
-Don't include sentences that don't support your main topic, that could get your grade lowered.
-Don't rush yourself, even if you're in a hurry. Your writing will come out sloppy and it'll be very transparent you just started working on it.