Union victory at Battle of Antietam (September 1862)
One of his goals was to entice the slave-holding state of Maryland to join the Confederacy, or at least recruit soldiers there.
Both western europeans and latin american people could immigrate "freely" under that immigration act. The act was intended as a mean to limit the immigration of people whose ancestry was "non white", while increasing the number of "white" inmigrants to guarantee a more homogeneous population in the US. The first group of people was allowed to immigrate because many people living in the US came from the british islands, and in the case of latin american people, since they were a mixture of european and native american parents, they were considered as "white", too. People not allowed to immigrate under this act: asians and east europeans.
Hammurabi's law changed life's in Mesopotamia by making everything fair with people
At the time Paine stated common sense, most pioneers believed themselves to be oppressed Britons. Paine, on a fundamental level, changed the tenor of homesteaders' contention with the crown when he composed the accompanying: "Europe, and not England, is the parent nation of America."
Paine proceeded to serve in the U.S. Armed force and to work for the Committee of Foreign Affairs before coming back to Europe in 1787. Back in England, he kept composing handouts on revolution support.