Stalin and Trotsky. Stalin won in the end
Advertising a product changed from simply announcing the existence of a product in a dull, dry fashion to persuading the public they needed and deserved to own the product. By developing repeat customers, advertising also helped build brand loyalty for the company.
India and China claim few slaves with a lion's share of their populace as the low class that did likewise fill in as the slaves. The Indians and Chinese were not noticeable in bondage as the Greco-Romans since they had their kin taking the necessary steps that the slaves did. The Chinese and Indians one might say had slaves it was quite recently that the slave was called something different and held a higher economic wellbeing than simple slaves.
He felt that the Spanish people (of Spain) were undefeatable, and his recklessness lead to the decline and defeat of the Spain. (sad, never be too full of yourself, its a fact.)