The 15th Amendment stated that all citizens of the United states had the right to vote. This gave African American males the right to vote which gave them a voice in the Civil Rights movement.
I had to sit through classes on this.
Douglas means that the 4th of July is a celebration of freedom, but how could African Americans celebrate a day of freedom if they were still enslaved? The audience spoken to was primarily white, so in turn, the white population of America may celebrate their freedom on the 4th but for all the enslaved blacks it was not a day to rejoice because they had not yet gained their freedom
I believe the main reason why the U.N. was created was to prevent wars by facilitating cooperation between countries.
The United Nations, formerly known as the League of Nations, was established in the 20th century. According to the official website, the U.N's four primary goals are the following: "To keep peace throughout the world; to develop friendly relations among nations; to help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms; to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals." Hope this helps; have a great day!
Few times in recent memory have demanded a more careful examination of our nation's history than now — the year we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the 14th Amendment’s passage. At a time when the Trump administration is throwing asylum seekers in jail without due process and undermining efforts to desegregate schools, it is critical to remember that the “pervading purpose” of the 14th Amendment was to eliminate the oppression of historically subjugate