Not sure what you need to include in your answer but i will give my opinion.
In my opinion congressional members should be elected based on the popular vote, if a member is more popular and prefered than another member then they should be the one elected.
For example in the presidental election there is a system called electorial college, bigger states have bigger numbers to win. In the election they must have 170 points to win. This is an unfair advantage because if a canadidate has only had a small percentage more votes than the other popular canadidate then that's unfair and the canadidate who is not popular gets ahead even by a small margin of votes.
I'm assuming this is opinion based but hope it helps.
The setting-up of a base at Guantanamo Bay. This happened after the war. The U.S. obtain Guam, the Philippines and
Puerto Rico from the Spanish. They did
not acquire Cuba but kept a lease on Guantanamo Bay. This was America’s entry into Imperialism.
Hammurabi's code covered: crimes, farming, and business activities, and marriage. I just happened to have my social studies book in front of me when you asked that question.
The Virginia Plan addressed the issue of representation by promoting the idea of representation in Congress being based on state population size, as opposed to having a set number of representatives per state. The issue was eventually solved with the Connecticut Compromise.
Great Britain and France.
here use this