yo visito
tu visitas
el visita
nos. visitamos
vos. visitais
ellos visitan
yo canto
tu cantas
el canta
nosotros cantamos
vos. cantais
ellos cantan
yo termino
tu terminas
el termina
nosotros terminamos
vos terminais
ellos terminan.
with regular verbs just follow the pattern. it's easy
I think the answer is in a "parque de atracciones" (amusement park).
I think the answer is in a "parque de atracciones" (amusement park). You could also say "parque temático" (theme park). I don't think that an ordinary "feria" (fair) has "montaña rusa" (roller coaster).
Native speaker over here.
There can be different amounts so it depends on where/
C. Una monarquía parlamentaria