The item that contains a comma splice is:
C. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, about 110 kilometers from there is Wittenberg, where he nailed his ninety-five theses to the door.
The comma splice occurred when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined by a comma instead of a semicolon or a full stop. To avoid this comma splice, the independent clause, "about 110 kilometers from there is Wittenberg," is identified. We can either put a semicolon after Germany or a full stop. Putting a full stop separates the sentence into two.
Project GLOBE, would rank Taryn's organization as high in the cultural dimension of assertiveness.
This cultural dimension of the company portrays an organization that encourages competitiveness and confrontation between employee relationships, being a performance-oriented organization.
Therefore, assertiveness in an organizational culture can be advantageous, as it encourages greater exposure of ideas and opinions, in an honest and direct way, which can:
- increase creativity and innovation.
- make the decision-making process more objective and faster.
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Antidumping duty
Dumping occurs when manufacturers decides to export products to other countries at prices below their cost of production. This is what is happened in this scenario. In trying to combat dumping, the importing country may impose antidumping duty.
Now antidumping duty involves putting a tariff on imported goods that are believed to be sold at prices lower than production cost. By increasing their tariffs, it is expected that the exporters in turn increases the prices of the goods they are exporting.
The correct answer to the following question is option b) Separation of functions.
In a retail environment , the cash management process starts when a customer pays the cashier for the product or services he or she has purchased. The cashier then counts the cash in till drawer and then at end of the day cashier takes that cash to the third party who can be either manager or owner or a supervisor. Then cashier would receive a receipt against the cash for till drawer.
Now supervisor would collect cash from all the cashier and prepare the cash to be deposited in bank. So from this process it is quite clear that here there is separation of functions here and while all other options given in the question are present in the process.
The answer would be geomarketing. The type of intermediaries that can be utilized are as follows:
1. retailers- outlets that trade directly to household customers
2. wholesalers- their main purpose is to sell to retailers
3. distributors- similar to wholesalers but sell one line of product only
4. agents- main purpose is to act as the main representative of the company