Before World War I Germany was a prosperous country, with a gold-backed currency, ... The Weimar Republic was politically fragile.
The reason block civil war Soviet Union blockaded West Berlin in 1948
plzz brainliest i hope this helps ;)
The model of the nation state implies that its population constitutes a nation, united by a common descent, a common language and many forms of shared culture. When the implied unity was absent, the nation state often tried to create it. It promoted a uniform national language, through language policy.
Harry Trumanappointed ER to the first American delegation to the United Nations. She represented the U.S. at the UN from December 31, 1945, until December 31, 1952, when the newly elected President Dwight Eisenhower requested her resignation. She was the only woman in a six-person, bipartisan delegation.
Zombies are coming for the brain