People were fighting for civil rights the scope of which has become wider with the increasing time.
Individual rights are refers to those civil liberties which include not only the right to life , freedom, and the pursuit of happiness, as set out in the Declaration of Independence, but also the rights to free speech, propogation of religion, press, assembly, and all the others explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. However individual freedom sometimes came in conflict with the government authority which represent the common good of people. To maintain the balance of power the ideals of the constituion should be prevailed and in some specific cases the help of judiciary is advisable.
Answer:Hope this Helps!
The invention of the cotton gin was a revolution in the cotton industry. Due to the manner in which this sector was exploited in the US, it led to a large increase in slavery in the Southern states, in order to meet the constantly growing demand for cotton using a larger workforce.
1. Establish the Bank of the U.S.
2. Place a tariff on imports.
3. After issuing bonds, the Gov. must pay back the bonds in full.
4. Impose direct taxes on people.
It was labeled a "mental illness"
Usually it would be used as blackmail and americans in 1950 were all against gay americans, so somebody finding out you were gay would lead to public despise and possibly being fired.