The desire of kings and queen to gain land.
To be honest I'm just doing anything right now, cuz someone already got the answer correct and I don't wanted to copywrite their answer.
This "System" consisted of three mutually reinforcing parts: a tariff to protect and promote American industry; a national bank to foster commerce; and federal subsidies for roads, canals, and other "internal improvements" to develop profitable markets for agriculture.
Montesquieu was a French lawyer, man of letters, and one of the most influential political philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. His political theory work, particularly the idea of separation of powers, shaped the modern democratic government.
Right choices are:
A. A single currency was established to facilitate trade within the empire.
B. A series of roads unified the Roman Empire.
C.The empire stretched from Spain to Assyria and from North Africa to Great Britain.
Regarding the last point, Romans were not known for their mercy or tolerance of other cultures. They did not promote assimilation. Conquered peoples were imposed Roman rule and taxes, laws and norms, there was no policy of cultural assimilation of vanquished peoples.