Mes parents sentent la bonne cuisine.
Conjugaison du verbe "sentir" au présent :
Je sens
Tu sens
Il, elle, on sent
Nous sentons
Vous sentez
Ils,elles sentent ( mes parents = ils)
D. Ratisser = rake
Btw, collinsdictionary.com has a translator. It’s better than google translate.
Oui! J'ai hâte (impatiente) de les voir.
Nous promettons de tout vous dire sur le concert.
Merci. Je te souhaite du bonheur.
<span>Answer in French: What are you doing with the clippers?</span>
In my opinion, it's false because France was the second country to make mandatory the <span>labeling of foods with health warnings in an attempt to make people more aware of healthy food choices and the consequences of not making healthy food choices.
Hope this helps !