It empowers citizens to directly pass laws by populace vote.
Hope I helped :)
"all men are created equal"; In the context of parties, Blacks were not considered men. If anything, they were considered as less then men; Objects. You're talking about America, right?
The answer is A
Researchers suggests consumer behavior may be more responsive to cost than education
Many Researchers have specify that unhealthy foods leads to obesity Epidemic. Many Health Researchers and scientist especially in North America have been looking for a way to counter the growth of the Epidemic and taxing unhealthy foods will lead in the battle of fighting the obesity Epidemic. Taxing unhealthy food will also lead to low production of the foods but it will also boost in the production of cheap energy foods. Consumers will respond to taxing more than education because basically, many people already know the risk of eating unhealthy food but majority did not stop eating It. Consumers will respond more to taxing than creating Education for it because Taxing involve money
To calculate the population density, you will divide the population by the size of the area. Thus, Population Density = Number of People/Land Area. The unit of land area should be square miles or square kilometers. You can use square feet or meters if you are finding the density of a smallish space.
It is important not to concentrate too much power in one branch of government because then the laws will be practically unstable and inefficient. If there were too much power in the Executive Branch, people would be very accusatory and rights would be extremely limited. If the Legislative Branch had too much power, nobody would be able to truly define the laws and enforce them based on the definitions of the laws created. If the Judicial Branch had too much power, there probably wouldn’t be a lot of laws made or enforced, and controversy would be very high within the Courts. It would be necessary for one branch to exercise more power than another branch if the case defender and antagonist disagreed constantly. An example of this is Marbury v. Madison case, where the power of judicial review was exercised by the Judicial Branch to interpret who won the case (which in that case was James Madison). Another instance would be the Worcester v. Georgia case, where the power of interpretation was used to define the final decision that Cherokees were not obligated to follow Georgia’s laws.