c. References specific plot points
Although Romeo and J * really show that we must follow our hearts, this is not the theme of the story narrative created by Shakespeare, but a specific point in the plot of that story.
The theme of a work does not refer to a specific point on the plot, but rather the general message that the narrative covers.
In Romeu and J * the theme would be the violence caused by love and the struggle of individuals to get rid of the past of their families. Within these themes, the romance between the two young people and their willingness to follow their hearts do not cover all the complexity and nuances of the work and therefore cannot be considered the theme.
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Interrupting his friends, Edward asked, "Is anyone else bored of telling stories? I'd rather we go bowling than sit around and talk."
My two children, Janet and Clark, who both love to work with their hands, are going to several different pottery classes this summer.
The two professors, both educated at Vanderbilt University, became deadly enemies once they received positions at rival colleges.
Looking, for some friends Julio thought that maybe the other men at the soccer game, would be open to making new friends
Studying the poetry of William Wordsworth for the first time, the class particularly enjoyed his masterpiece, "Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey."
The company, which was started when the two founders were still in high school has now posted a profit of almost two million dollars in, the past year.
The plot, of the latest science fiction Mars movie is in my opinion, the dumbest one released yet.
My erudite teacher began reading the long chapter of our new book.