The Federalists were a group of important intellectuals and lawmakers, which formed in 1787 to support and spread their belief that the 13 American states needed to unite under the same flag and grant more power to the federal government, while keeping their power as well. The Federalists believed there should be a federal Constitution in place (which later became the American Constitution), which would protect American citizens no matter what state they came from. Basically, the Federalists argued for the creation of a higher government structure, which would ensure respect for fundamental rights, and less power to the state governments. The Federalists called for a strong national government.
Answer: The federal government should be stronger than state governments.
The Federalists were a group of important intellectuals and lawmakers, which formed in 1787 to support and spread their belief that the 13 American states needed to unite under the same flag and grant more power to the federal government, while keeping their power as well. The Federalists believed there should be a federal Constitution in place (which later became the American Constitution), which would protect American citizens no matter what state they came from. Basically, the Federalists argued for the creation of a higher government structure, which would ensure respect for fundamental rights, and less power to the state governments. The Federalists called for a strong national government.
to become more aware of one's own culture To learn about ways different cultures approach common human problems To appreciate and enjoy the attributes of another culture
The colony became vastly richer due to the diamond deposits. Even locals happened to gain a lot form it and there is a famous example of a woman who was married to a Portuguese official who died wealthy and could buy anything she wanted. Of course, the working conditions were harsh for the workers.