Research on language development shows that deaf adults who acquired American Sign Language (ASL) in adolescence or adulthood never become as proficient as those who learned it in childhood. This is consistent with the <u>sensitive-period notion</u>.
American Sign Language (ASL) serves as the predominant sign language of Deaf communities in America and most of Anglophone Canada.
The sign languages use visual-manual modality to convey meaning. Sign languages are developed natural languages with their own grammar and lexicon. Facial expressions, hand movements and postures of the body are also used as a part of sign language.
American Sign Language is commonly followed by the deaf people as one of the communication option in America.
1. Be more assertive
2. Stop asking for permission from others/make your own decisions
3. Get to know yourself
The type of communication that portrays Xavier and Yolanda’s
situation of solving the fight or conflict by having to accept their arguments
is a way of volatile. This is a type of communication where individuals
involved came to accept and realize their doings and faults.