Well, i would like a school that is more willing to teach instead of throwing papers and making us work and hate the enviorment. if they where willing to teach and actually want to teach, it would be great. and maybe it would be easier for people to do the work and actually would like to learn. it would possibly be a healthier mindset as well if this choice was made.
but that is only my belief.
The uniforms the amount of kid genders
<span>The scene
you are referring to in _Walk Two Moons_ occurs in Chapter 23, “The Badlands.” When Sal’s mother says she wants to visit
Idaho in order for her cousin, whom she has not seen in 15 years, to tell her
what she is really like, she means that she wants to be told (or even reminded)
what she was like before she was a mother and before she was married. It seems as if she wants to be reminded of
the person she feels she no longer is.
And, to come into contact with one whose last memory of her is of whom
she used to be is why she wants to go to Idaho.</span>
The main idea of the paragraph is that women should be credited for much more during the prehistoric times that they are at the moment. We only get the picture of them being rather irrelevant at the time which is obviously not true, based on this excerpt. The paragraph is quite feminist, meaning that it is shedding light on actual history and the role of women in such a society which not much is spoken about in contemporary analyses.
They were the ones who invented gardening, as well as pottery and weaving. The reason why they did this was because they often stayed 'at home' taking care of children, so they had time to do other things as well, while men were out hunting and providing for the family in other ways. Thus we have solid proof that women were far more creative and responsible for various things than they are credited for now.