1) interrogative
2) The text is intended to be dramatic
edg 2020
Option A contains you fragment, the second scentence does not contain a noun.
Um I don’t know how far you’ve gotten, so yeah.
Salvas character is starting to change, he’s becoming mentally stronger, he’s becoming more brave. He has to be more tougher now that the only 2 people he had during this trip are gone. He became a leader, he led and helped others, while still keeping himself alive.
The right quality and quantity of people required to make the product or provide the service.
This is the definition of Human Resource. A human resources department represents a key element for the well-being of employees in any company, regardless of the size of it. Among Human Resources' tasks, we can find the payment of salaries, benefits, recruitment of new employees, the firing of other ones, and the maintaining of the company updated with state and federal tax laws.