The answer is apex and base. To simplify, the apex of the heart rests on the diaphragm and from its base, the great vessels emerge. In addition, blood vessels that are nearer to the pumping heart and must enlarge to endure pressure variations are named elastic arteries and foramen ovale permits blood to pass from the right to the left atrium, therefore avoiding to pass the fetal lungs.
Quadrat method is used for estimating the number of individuals in an area. In this method, a large square area on the ground or water surface is marked, call it an enclave. The number of animals present in this enclave is counted. Then by assuming that the animals are less migratory and are uniformly distributed, their number for a large area is estimated by the use of unitary method of calculation. Example a 4 square feet area has 2 snails, then a 1000 square feet area will have (1000 x 2)/4, i.e, 500 snails in it. Fishes can be counted using this method only if they are confined in a small water body like a lake or a pond. Rivers are flowing so the fishes may move along its length which can give us an underestimate or an overestimate of their numbers. Sea has its depth and huge area, and fishes can be moving randomly in it. Hence this method will not work for river and sea fishes.
Hope this helps :D
The appropriate response is C. Prokaryotes are unicellular life forms that need organelles or other interior film bound structures. In this manner, they don't have a core, be that as it may, rather, by and large have a solitary chromosome: a bit of roundabout, twofold stranded DNA situated in a territory of the phone called the nucleoid.