Darius – was defeated by the Greeks at the Bay of Marathon
Xerxes – was defeated by the Greeks at the Bay Salamis
Cambises - one of the few generals in history to ever conquer and occupy Egypt
Cyrus – respected the customs and religions of the people he conquered
The Battle of the Marathon (490 BC) is a conflict between Athens and Platea with the Persian Empire during the Greco-Persian Wars. The battle ended with the complete victory of the Greek troops and marked the end of the First Persian Invasion of Greece. Persian King Darius and his army were defeated by the military assistance sent by Athens to the rebel Greeks in Ionia.
The Battle of Salamis was a naval battle between Greek city-states and the Persian Empire, ruled by King Xerxes in 480 BC. The battle ended with the decisive victory of the Greek fleet and it was the most important event for the second Persian invasion of Greece.
Cambyses was one of the few generals in history who had ever conquered Egypt. He was Achaemenid king of Persia conquered Egypt in 525.
King Cyrus was the Persian King of the Iranian Achaemenid dynasty, a warlord, legislator, and founder of the Persian Empire. He was considered a good king because he respected the tradition and religion of the nations he conquered. He respected all the nations he conquered, although they had to pay tribute.
Its really up to you...But a central government is when the government is controlling to unitary state while a strong government is when a federal/national government that has primacy the states/countries are primarily set up to mange the rules.
Make sense? if i did i am happy to help
if i didn't..Im sorry thats the best i can do
Is false (F)
On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act or the Selective Draft Act becomes law:
"All male citizens, or foreign non-enemy male persons who have declared their intention to become citizens" between the ages of 21 and 30, must register for military service.
Although there were conflicts and protests (New York and New Jersey), alleged draft evaders, pejoratively called "idlers," were arrested around the United States.
Supreme Court Rules Draft Constitutional (Jan. 7, 1918)
The recruitment system remained effective until May 1919 when selective service boards and state recruitment headquarters were closed.