The correct code for this question:
g=float(input("Enter your English test grade:")) #take input from user.
#check conditions
if (g>=100 and g<=90):
print ("A")
#g greater then equal to 100 and less then equal to 90.
if (g>=89 and g<=80):
#g greater then equal to 89 and less then equal to 80.
if (g>=79 and g<=70):
#g greater then equal to 79 and less then equal to 70.
if (g>=69 and g<=65):
#g greater then equal to 69 and less then equal to 69.
#g less then equal to 64.
print ("Not a grade")
#not a grade or fail.
In this program, we use to take a value from the user and check the value from the various conditions. To check all the condition we use if-else statement and AND operator that check to the range to together.
If -else is a conditional operator. In that, If block is used to check the true part and else part takes false value, and AND is a logical operator that check the two range together
The sensor of a mouse connected to the computer or the touch pad being touched and swiped around on
var X gets passed into the rectangle function, which I assume would set the x and y coordinates to what the var's have already been set to.
The full Form of BIT is "Binary digit" which is the basic unit of information in computing . A Binary digit can be 0 or 1 . 0 represents off state & 1 represents on state .
Class Item {
// item class attributes
string itemName;
int itemQuantity;
double itemPrice;
class grocerylist {
// you can use arrays or any other containers like ArrayList, Vectors,...etc depends on programming language you use
Item[50] itemList;
int size;
public grocerylist () {
this.size = 0;
public void addItem(Item i) {
itemList[size] = i;
size = size +1; // Or size++