Repair mechanism for base cleavage (BER)
Repair by base cleavage (BER)
The altered bases are specifically recognized by glycosylases and removed, generating an AP site. The hole is filled by a DNA polymerase that takes the healthy strand as a template. This system arises not only by exposure to external agents, but also by the cell's own activity.
In case of damage in more than one nucleotide, repair by nucleotide excision (NER) is performed.
Nucleotide excision repair (NER)
The damaged area is recognized by UvrA and B, then A and B separate and UvrC enters which forms a complex with endonuclease activity with B. This enzyme cuts the T-dimer and the gap is filled by a DNA polymerase. There is also the TC-NER system (transcription-coupled nucleotide repair system). The alteration of these mechanisms gives rise to diseases such as: Xeroderma pigmentosum, Trichotiodystrophy or Cockayne Syndrome
cytokinesis is when the cell splits into two daughter cells.
Vegetative reproduction is a mode of asexual reproduction naturally occurring in plants. In this process. only one of the parent is involved and the offspring is genetically identical to the parent and no sharing of DNA takes place.
Examples are: Onion, rhizome (ginger) and daffodil
There are meristem tissues found in the stem, root and leaves. These are undifferentiated cells and have tendency of dividing. This tissue gives rise to organs of the plant and responsible for its growth.
Natural vegetative propagation happens when an axillary bud grows into a lateral shoot and develops adventitious roots consequently forming a new plant.
Vegetative propagation can be done artificially also.
A. proteins
Amino acids builds up the proteins.
X - linked traits appear more often in males because males only have one x chromosome. One copy of an x - linked trait is all that a male would need to possess that trait. Females have two x chromosomes, so they would require 2 copies of the x - linked trait in order to possess it.