thats the answer bc all the others are past tense pudo and podia is kind of like could've. i dont know how else to explain it.
the answer is Come with me
<h3>Fill in the chart with all of the forms of the following verbs, including the meanings.</h3>
vestirse- to get dressed : me visto, te vistes, se viste, nos vestimos, os vestís, se visten.
ponerse- to put on : me pongo, te pones, se pone, nos ponemos, os ponéis, se ponen.
divertirse- to have fun : me divierto, te diviertes, se divierte, nos divertimos, os divertís, se divierten.
acostarse- to go to bed : me acuesto, te acuestas, se acuesta, nos acostamos, os acostáis, se acuestan.
dormirse- to fall sleep : me duermo, te duermes, se duerme, nos dormimos, os dormís, se duermen.
1. What's the name of the man
2. Where is the man from?
3. Where is the guy right now?
4. How old is he?
5. (describe) how the man is
6. where did the man study?
7. what classes does he take
8. why does the man study
Sorry if this didn't help