Because Hrothgar did a favor for his father and he felt like he owed him and he is also is show-off .
By noticing how the character interacts with other characters.
By noticing details about what the character says, does, and thinks.
By noticing how the other characters perceive the character.
By noticing the context, and use it to make inferences about the character.
Indirect characterization is the process by which the writer presents the personality of the character through different methods except for directly describing it. That is to say, the character is identified by the way he/she acts, talks and looks like, and this is how the reader determines what kind of person the character is.
The Andes were formed by tectonic activity whereby earth is uplifted as one plate (oceanic crust) subducts under another plate (continental crust). ... When this large portion of dense material was removed, the remaining portion of the crust underwent rapid uplift.
The best films have a longer duration than the best animated films.
Animated films, although they have a well constructed and often deep and meaningful plot, are mostly films aimed at children. This justifies the shorter duration that these films have in relation to the best films. Since children can be bored and tired with very long narratives.
However, the best films have a longer duration, because they have more complex stories that need more time to be solved.
Since its talking about their relationship, B sounds like the best answer