The Great Society wanted spending programs that would address the educational system's needs, medical care, urban problems, and transportation was also included.
The New Deal is easy to remember: The 3 R's Relief Recovery Reform
This was their focus.
The Civil Rights Movement racked up many notable victories, from the dismantling of Jim Crow segregation in the South, to the passage of federal legislation outlawing racial discrimination, to the widespread awareness of the African American cultural heritage and its unique contributions to the history of the United States. African Americans fought back with direct action protests and keen political organizing, such as voter registration drives and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. The crowning achievements were the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
<span>Americans were concerned that they were inferior to Soviets in terms of science, technology, and missiles
The sputnik launch caused Americans a great deal of anxiety with mainstream Politicians blaming the USA education system for this technological lag. The American Government invested heavily as a result in sciences and mathematics