The answer is 4 cuz i said
If you are a hero, that usually means you have done good things to help other people. If you are a hero you would normally put others before yourself. A hero would normally put someone else's needs before their own in any circumstance.
An infinitive acts as an adjective to describe a noun.
Example: This is the best time of year to swim.
The dog's first attempt to jump the log ended in success.
Thoreau extols the virtues of individualism an self-sufficiency; however, living according to these virtues does not come without drawbacks.
First, before we can answer this question, we must first be clear what these concepts are.
Individualism means being self-reliant or independent. That means that a person does not look to others for his or her identity. Individualism puts the needs of a single person above society.
Self-sufficiency means that a person can meet his or her own needs. A self-sufficient person might have a garden and would not need to leave home to get food. A self-sufficient person would be capable of fixing things around the house and would not need to hire someone to do these things.
While it is great to be both an individualist and self-sufficient, these qualities can be a problem for the community if taken too far. If everyone is self-sufficient, then there would be no need for a community. If a person can do everything for him or herself, then there would be no need to ask anyone else, there would be no need to even leave your home.
Over time, it would seem that a sense of isolation and loneliness might set in. Imagine a person who puts his needs above those of everyone else. He grows his own food, so never needs to buy from anyone else. He can build and fix his own home, so he never needs to hire or seek help from anyone else. While his self-reliance is great, he is also losing out on social bonds. And, even though he doesn't need help from anyone, it is also likely he is not helping anyone else, either.
And so, while individualism and self-sufficiency are great virtues, they can cause isolation and a lack of community if taken too far.
c. Automobiles.
A clerestory is a high wall that contains mainly of glass structure that is made for sunlight or for a clear view and fresh air.
The migration of hundreds of red crabs on Christmas Island is Australia is one of the most fascinating and spectacular acts of migration to the sea. These bright red crabs leave their burrows on Christmas Island and leave in millions towards the sea. And the <u>biggest threat to this migration is the cars and vehicles</u> that pass through, on the roads which the crabs had to cross to get to the open sea.
A <u>clerestory is a clear section of a wall or a side of the wall that is made up of mostly clear/ glass structure to allow fresh air from outside and also for the clear view and sunlight</u>. In this structure, a part of the wall is made of glass and not concrete so that it is 'open', for fresh air and light.