Slaves were not treated as equals, slaves are already beaten, a man will only pay half the price because the slave isn’t that important, but is still important a bit for the other person to pay half the price, because the slave works and works day and night for their master.that’s all they were considered useful for.
the right of trial by jury
Article LXI. Freedom of the press and trial by jury to remain inviolate forever.
The reason why large numbers of Europeans began to move to the New World was gain wealth from the resources of the Americas.
Once word spread to Europe that there were many untapped resources in the Americas, large numbers of Europeans began to move there.
They hoped that they would be able to utilize those resources to become wealthier and make something out for themselves.
In conclusion, they immigrated for economic reasons.
Find out more on immigration to the Americas at
John Locke was a famous British philosopher. He believed in pantheism which is the idea that God exists in nature. This believe system believes that God is the same as the universe, plants, stars, etc.
i believe it's b. but i could be wrong :p