14. Surface Area , and Volume Area limits the size of cells.
15 .A cell is a metabolic compartment where a multitude of chemical reactions occur. The number of reactions increase as the volume of metabolic volume within a cell increases. (The larger the volume the larger the number of reactions)
All raw materials necessary for metabolism can enter the cell only through its cell membrane.
The greater the surface area the larger the amount of raw materials that can enter at only one time.
Each unit of volume requires a specific amount of surface area to supply its metabolism with raw materials. The amount of surface area available to each unit of volume varies with the size of a cell.
As a cell grows its SA/V decreases.
At some point in its growth its SA/V becomes so small that its surface area is too small to supply its raw materials to its volume. At this point the cell cannot get larger.
16. Cells only divide when they receive specific signals from proteins called mitogens,the presence of mitogens can limit cell division. Mitogens are needed for cell division in healthy cells and are released depending on what cells the body needs.
Answer: d. return leaked fluids back to the cardiovascular system.
The lymphatic system is a web of vessels and tissues that transfers clear fluid that is called as the lymph. The lymphatic system spreads all over the body and filters and clean up the lymph, abnormal cells and pathogens. The filters traps the foreign particles from the blood. It also promotes the filtered fluid to reach back to the cardiovascular system and distribute to all the parts of the body in the form of blood.
Explanation:"A picture gradually emerged of a young child who pretty much was isolated and had no friends, and a man who increasingly became concerned about his own health," Fowler says. That research led Fowler to believe that Hughes's fear for his health most likely emerged from his childhood.
A watershed – the land area that drains to a stream, lake or river – affects the water quality in the water body that it surrounds. ... They are influenced by naturally varying lake levels, water movement to and from groundwater, and amount of stream flow.
The right answer is Wavelengths of energy.
White light is made up of all colors. The rainbow is actually the decomposition of white light by droplets of water like a prism.
Each color corresponds to an electromagnetic radiation of particular frequency and wavelength.
The sensitivity of the eye is maximum around 550 nm, in the yellow-green. The spectrum of visible light ranges from 400 to 780 nm but its perception depends on each individual (tastes and colors ...).