Randolph, leader of Black civil right movement canceled the March in Washington on 1941 because he was persuaded by his fellow leaders that it is not advisable to proceed. Then Pres. Roosevelt Issued the Executive Order 8802 and establishment of FEP. This actions of the president halted the supposed March in Washington.
Menendang bola adalah gerakan dasar yang paling domainan atau sering digunakan dalam sepak bola.
Berdasarkan perkenaan kaki, teknik menendang dibagi ke dalam berbagai macam seperti menendang dengan kaki bagian dalam, luar, hingga punggung kaki.
Menendang atau tendangan dapat dilakukan untuk menembak, maupun mengumpan bola kepada rekan satu tim.
plz make me as a brainliest
when king philip heard the news of the massacre, and the punishments, Oñate was banished from New Mexico for his cruelty to the natives,and later returned to spain to live out the remainder of his life.
The response is: D)railroad