tim is the king of the kingdom of tragedy. quick-tempered and unkind; he admonished the faults of his staff and takes no respons
ibility for his mistakes and errors. he rarely relates to his people. he is proud and is eventually deposed from his throne when his people revolt. he flees the kingdom and escapes into exile in the kingdom of comedy. Does this character fulfill the characteristics of a tragic hero? Explain your answer
This character does not fulfill the characteristics of a tragic hero. He is not good to his people and he does not save anybody. Instead he treats them unkindly and flees his kingdom. Even though his story is tragic, I would not consider him a tragic hero.
Barbara Frietchie’ by John Greenleaf Whittier presents a tribute to the patriotism of an elderly woman called Barbara Fritchie or née Hauer (1766 –1862)
She saved the flag of the Union that had been overturned by the Confederates.