Air does have weight. 14.7 psi in fact. Most of the air is Nitrogen gas, which is 2 atoms of nitrogen. There is also Oxygen gas (O2). Finally there is Carbon Dioxide (CO2). There is also a small percentage of other gasses, but they are insignificant.
Trong dạ dày được tách rời khỏi các chất thực phẩm khác. Trong ruột non, mật hoa tiết ra chất béo trong khi các enzyme tiêu hoá chúng. Các tế bào ruột hấp thụ chất béo. Các a - xít béo chuỗi dài tạo thành một cấu trúc lipoprotein lớn được gọi là một hạch nguyên tử có thể vận chuyển chất béo qua hệ bạch huyết.
I'm thinking they are a rare animal due to there size,weight,how fast they can travel,and strength.
Example: Python's are known as the longest species of snake,they can grow to be 30 feet long,and can travel 1 mile per hour on just flat ground.
An organism is made of many cells, cannot move on its own, and absorbs food from its environment. This organism is belongs to kingdom fungi.
Fungi are the organisms which are made of more than one cell, having true nucleus. Their cell wall is composed of chitin. Fungi grow in size by absorbing nutrients from the environment. Fungi fixed on one place and cannot move from place to place like animals.
Cant tell you the types, but they form from the weather elements, from being compressed, etc