In Cabeza de Vaca's journal, the phrases "it was November," "near dawn," "two hours after nightfall," and "the following day at sunrise" suggest that, the journal entries were very detailed.
Answer: Option A.
Cabeza De Vaca was a very well known Spanish explorer. He is widely known for his record breaking journey to the ‘New World’, not to forget, he was the only one survivor of the four travelers.
Cabeza De Vaca’s most famous journal is all about his disastrous exploring experiences to the west. If we have a look at his journal, we will notice that it’s a long monologue which provides each and every single entries in a very detailed way.
The journal includes the exact date, time, and location. For example, the very beginning line starts with ‘On the 27th day of the month of June, 1527’, apart from this, ‘two hours after nightfall’ describes the time. Throughout the journal such acute details are provided by the writer.
Online games : Are games that are played online
' Miss Watson claims to live her life well so she can go to heaven. The irony is that, despite her claims of goodness, she owns slaves. She even plans to sell Jim down the river, away from his family, though she has always promised him she never would.
The persona is directing the words to someone who appears to be in his presence
"...which you were probably..."
The speaker is addressing an absent or imaginary person that the reader cannot see but he can see or pretend to see