After receiving the memory of warfare, Jonas is reluctant to return to receive memories from the Giver again. Jonas asks about the Giver's favorite memory. ... He is surprised when the Giver transmits his favorite memory to Jonas.
Among the given choices, only the fourth choice has a noun that refers to the specific car. The noun, which is proper, is the Jetsetter Series 4. All the other choices for this item only has common names or nouns that are cars.
It means that we all have our own role to play in this world
B explicit ideas are to have a hidden message
The committee debates how to fund their ambitious plans
The underlined word should be "The committee debate how to fund their ambitious plans".
If so, then the type of error present in the sentence is that a collective noun uses the plural verb "debate" which is wrong.
It can be fixed by giving it a singular verb "debates" and rewritten as "The committee debates how to fund their ambitious plans"