The theory of co formation, that is the Earth and Moon initially developed at the same time and under same evolutionary forces.
Hope this helped!
a historians job is to basically look for the solution like a detective,and as well look into someones background like a detective. :)
In an ideal world all human beings will be treated equally, regardless
of their gender or ethnicity. In fact, article 2 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone is entitled to all the
rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction
of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or
other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other
status.” However in reality this is not practiced. Before it discuss the challenges I will look at the background of both
cultural and religious groups rights and women’s rights. Will Kymlicka
(1995) lays down two different kinds of group rights. The first is
minority rights that protects the interests of their members and
secondly rights which impose restrictions on its members, such as some
cultural groups that set prohibitions and regulations on women.
The main factor that contributed to the rising of the Kingdom of Ghana is the African trade in gold and salt. Though the resources did not come from Ghana, it was situated in a trading route between salt miners in North Africa and gold traders from South Africa.