The civil rights leader that said that blacks were entitled to social and political, as well as economic equality was W. E. B DuBois.
Dubois (1868-1963) was one of the most important African American activists that fought for the end of racial segregation in the United States. He co-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He critiqued and confronted the ideas of other important black activists, Booker T. Washington, who thought that the way for black people was through education.
They described being in slave-like conditions and being treated like animals. They were called racial epithets quite regularly and just not afforded respect either as soldiers or human beings.”
<span>Uighur Turks were given the vast majority of positions within the Mongol's Empire. It is estimated that 12 million Uighur Turks populate China's far-west. They are also Muslims by tradition and dominated by the Hans. Uighur Turks speak Turkish as their primary language.</span>