A magnetic field is created by the flow of an electric current.
Any drug sold in the supermarkets, convenient stores etc without prescriptions are called OTC-medication or over the counter drugs.
They are the group of drugs commonly abused by young adults. Recommendation by National Institute on Drug Abuse is that , any use of drug not related to medical purpose, but for mind-altering effects or arousal is regarded as an abuse. No doubt these drugs are obtained over the counter because they are very easy to get, very cheap and legalized by law to buy, thus easily accessible.
They drugs are high in contents which produces psychoactive effects when imbibed in over dose, and some may have damaging effects on the kidney and liver.
Other effects on the body physiology includes headaches, vomiting, nausea, seizures, tremors. etc.
Trace metals, like iron and magnesium, are considered _Building blocks of molecule__________________, while organic compounds, like vitamins, are considered________Complex Molecule___________
Every slice of the bread, contains a number of blister like pores. These blister like pores suggests that the air or some gas might be present there. In case, the bread has no air, the surface of the bread must be smooth rather than rough.
The bread is formed by the fermentation of the sugar molecules present in the dough with the help of yeast. These blisters like structure on the bread is present due to the gas produced during fermentation.
- The independent variable is the concentration of sucralose present in the plant.
- The dependent variable is the growth rate of the plant.
The study designed through the steps of the scientific method would be done as follows:
Observation: Sucrose is a very important molecule for the development and growth of plants, based on which sucralose, which is formed from sucrose, can be important for the same factors.
Question: Can sucralose influence plant growth as well as sucrose?
Hypothesis: Sucralose may establish some influence on plant growth.
Experimentation: Select a number of seeds inoculated with sucralose molecules and select the same number of seeds that were not inoculated with anything. Provide the same type of soil and environmental factors so that seeds can grow in the same way. Weekly evaluate the growth of the plants generated by each seed for a certain period of time. After this period of time, measure the weight of the plants and their roots. Place the plant and root to dry in an oven and measure the weight of the plant and root once again.
Analysis of results: compare the average weekly growth of plants generated by inoculated seeds, with plants generated from uninoculated seeds. Compare the average weight of plants generated by seed inoculated before and after kiln-dried. Compare the weight average between plant roots generated by inoculated seeds before and after kiln-dried. Assess whether there was a significant difference between the means.
Conclusion: Using the data presented in the evaluation of the experiment, state whether the hypothesis developed provides true or false information.
<u><em>Note: it is important that the seeds are from the same species of plant.</em></u>