The equator and the International Date Line cross in the area of Pacific Ocean. There is a tradition to celebrate the first sailor's crossing of the line.
A. When a sea breeze blows over cold water, water vapor is forced to condense thus forming fog.
B. When cool air mixes with warm moist air over the water fog forms.
A. We see this often in cities close to water such as San Fransisco.
B. You will see this in hot humid coastal areas such as Florida
Hierarchical diffusion is one of six ways cultures can spread around the world (what we call ‘types of cultural diffusion’). What makes hierarchical diffusion unique is that it involves the spread of culture starting from the most powerful and influential people within the culture.
Once the influential people embrace a certain culture, the rest of the culture are more likely to follow.
Answer: gold, ivory, and iron
It is only logical that mountain ranges form natural watershed boundaries because <u>water </u><u>from </u><u>rain </u><u>and </u><u>melting snow </u><u>flow to the </u><u>river</u>s.
<h3>Sources of Water for rivers. </h3>
- Rainfall and the resulting runoff.
- Water from natural ice.
Both of these come down from mountains and will be impacted by gravity to keep flowing downwards. This then forms or contributes to rivers and explains why mountains are generally next to watersheds.
Find out more on the <u>effects of mountains and rivers</u> at