The author feels like Thomas Young was a pioneer in the deciphering of hieroglyphs since he "got three out of seven symbols, which was a better score than any other scolar before him".
However, the author feels that Thomas Young was too confident in his assumptions, which caused him to fail in his task, and that he "put roadblocks in his own path".
Still, the author believes that Young's contribution was key to the final deciphering of the hieroglyphs, since he "laid a solid groundwork for others in their attempts to decipher the hieroglyphs".
In order to do a rhyme scheme look at the last few words of each line and name each new one with a letter a,b,c,d
Each time that a similar or rhyming sound is mentioned in different lines repeat the letter
Example: The rhyme scheme is aba
I wish there was a way to go back ( a )
To take back everything I said ( b)
I wish would come back ( a)
Sloppy is the answer, i think. correct me if im wrong:)