Answer: D
D seems like the answer because it’s a cause you can put money towards meanwhile the other three need to be regulated by branches/they’re just opinions
6. Three things that contributed to American Culture are: Religion, education, and Science.
7. The Zenger’s liberal case against the New York Journal was an important step toward the idea of freedom of the press.
8. Most children learned to read and write because their parents taught them at home.
9. Some of the roles for married women in the colonies were: running the household, caring for children, and working in fields with the husband.
10. Civic Culture is where Democratic ideas, practices, and values that form a truly free society.
Because we have troops there and our allies are there and it's our duty to protect them and our country.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Was a potomac swimmer
- Enjoyed to swim in the winter time
German people, whether Nazis or not, truly held to the idea that Germany was fighting for its freedom, even for its actual existence. But for Hitler, WWII was not about conquering former German territory in Poland or about consolidating nationalism for Germans living outside Germany. WWII was about the creation of a new racial order, one of German superiority over Slavs and Jews.
There was a strong politization of Germans after World War I. Once Hitler came to power in 1933, brainwash and seduction were the methods to reach German people. Even though questions of race, authority and loyalty were regularly deliberated, and only a minority became absolutely Nazis, most people were in agreement with the premises of the regime, including the confinement of German Jews. While most Germans had little idea about the Holocaust, this support made them accomplices of Hilter's "final solution".