In Spanish
C) cubrecama, girasol, rompemuelles
In English
C) bedspread, sunflower, springbreaker
<h3>In Spanish</h3>
<h2>¿Qué son los sustantivos compuestos?</h2>
Es un término compuesto de dos o más sustantivos individuales pegados juntos. Los sustantivos compuestos son una parte constante y diaria de hablar y escribir en inglés. De hecho, son tan ubicuos en inglés que tal vez ni siquiera te das cuenta de que algunos de los términos que utilizas cada día son sustantivos compuestos
<h3>In English:</h3><h2>
What are compound nouns?</h2>
There are three different types of compound nouns which include joined, separated and hyphenated. An example of a joined compound noun is a toothbrush. An example of a separated compound noun is bus stop. An example of a hyphenated compound noun is mother-in-law.
<span>La sinagoga is the answer.</span>
<u>Translated from Spanish language:</u>
1. The ____ of Guatemala receives its name from a bird that symbolizes freedom.
2.A_____ percent of the Guatemalan population has a mother tongue other than Spanish.
3. The ____ and the colors of each huipil indicate the town of origin of the person carrying it.
4. He is a bird in danger of extinction.
5. The Mayan civilization invented a complex and precise _____.
6. Traditional clothing reflects the love of Mayan culture for ____.