Yes, in one way, the essay makes you think of the strength of human spirit when it endures severe situations.
James Baldwin “Notes of a Native Son” refers to racial issues in America. The topic of the story shows how Baldwin goes through a cycle of events. He contemplates the death of his stepfather, his youngest sister’s birth, his nineteenth birthday, and race problems in Harlem. The events and the way they presented makes Baldwin wonder about the spirit of human nature and what it needs to endure to live by.
Baldwin explores the bitterness and suffering of black Americans while remembering his father’s mental health. Baldwin thinks he can inherit the paranoia that affected his father and questions himself the way trauma is passed through generations.
The character of the nurse change thought out the play.explore these changes
In her character and the changes in her relationship with julite.
There are many kinds of sacrifices people make.
People make sacrifices in order to fulfill their souls, their health or some ideas related to religion. There are some sacrifices people have to make in order to achieve some goals. In other cases, sacrifices obbey to the choices we make. For example, having kids make parents sacrifice some of their things in their personal lives. Other example is when someone has to follow a diet, this person has to sacrifie some food choices that might be one of its favourite. When it comes to religion, adepts sometimes are asked to follow some rules. People in this case have to stop, for example, drinking alcohol, or sometimes do things that are difficult for them or require a special effort.
Go to the workhouses and the ill poor folks should just die and decrease the surplus population