bravery, cleverness, he was confident and determined, loyalty, strength and patience
According to this story King Odysseus exhibited the following traits:
He was a brave man, he was confident and also determined. This can be seen in how he struggled against all odds to get home. He was a strong king and brave king who fought battles against those he perceived as enemies. He was a loyal person who respected loyalty and punished those who where disloyal in his absence.
"My dad is a great basketball coach," said Josie.
Meter refers to the unit in poetry for rhythm and the beats pattern. Also known as foot, it has usually two or three syllables in each foot.
A word meter is derived from the Greek word 'measure'
With the lines of verse or poem, the meter also refers to the unstressed and a stressed syllabic pattern. Unstressed syllables are shorter and the stressed tend to be longer.
It has various types such as iambic meter, trochaic meter, spondaic meter.
The closest antonym would probably be fix
It is very hard to understand