John is one of the principal characters in a Brave new world, he is the son of the Director and he is attracted to Lenina because of her good looks and because she is different from the other women John has seen.
Brave new world is a story about a futuristic kind of leaving where babies are created in laboratories and people do not have relationships and families as before, John is the natural son of the director and that is a crime, reason why he has grown apart from the ideal society and reading Shakespeare books when he gets involved with the society he experiences conflicts about his feelings with Lenina.
Because when brian had woken up and was thirsty it reminded him of a time him and terry we're lost in the woods which brought up the thought of a nostalgia memory
C provides the most valid reasoning for students to not be forced to work in the garden. Students this year are different from students a few years prior so A can be ruled out, B doesn't really answer the question, and D seems too pessimistic.