You can put it in your own words on how the virus affected you your family and the world around you what changed and what didn’t and what was the imapact
You have to talk about yourself - it’s your own experience I can’t help you.
I’ll give you some ideas:
Schooling Transitioning to online learning - workload - online lessons - self learning and independence
Meeting up Wearing masks, being cautious. Have any planned meet-ups/events been cancelled ? How do you feel?
Family members afflicted w Coronavirus Has anyone been affected in your family ? How does it make you feel? How did it change your stance towards the pandemic ?
Sport/Volunteering/Hobbies What do you do as a form of stress relief ? How has that been affected ? What are you ambitions in sport and how has your progress been impeded ? Have you taken up any volunteering to help disadvantaged communities during the pandemic?
News How has the bombardment of negative messages affect you mentally ? Has it exacerbated your loneliness/depression ? Have you started believing in any conspiracy theories ? Why or why not ?
Dreams Has the pandemic made your dreams any different ? What were they ? Link them to real world currently
An indirect object is defined as <span>a noun phrase referring to someone or something that is affected by the action of a transitive verb (typically as a recipient), but is not the primary object
Example: G</span>ive him the book ----> "him" is the indirect object