The poem has an abcb rhyme scheme.
Each stanza is a quatrain.
The poem contains two stanzas.
These three statements are correct. The poem has an abcb rhyme scheme. The rhyme scheme is determined by the last words of each line. The first line of the stanza is labeled a. The second line ending with shore does not rhyme with pass so it is labeled b. Stretched does not rhyme with either of the two preceding lines so it is labeled c. The last line of the stanza, more, rhymes with shore. It must be labeled b just like the second line. This results in the abcb rhyme scheme. It is the same in the second stanza. A quatrain is a stanza with four lines. Each of the two stanzas is made up of four lines so they are both quatrains.
if rubber bands come back quickly so would humans in this situation
Vital could mean something that is important or essential.
For example: the lungs and heart are both vital organs in the human body.
I just answered, the correct is the persecution felt by jewish people,such as kafka, in eastern europe. (D)