The key reason to include metaphors in a literary work?
to create new and surprising comparisons and deepen understanding.
What did we say to each other
that now we are as the deer
who walk in single file
with heads high
with ears forward
with eyes watchful
with hooves always placed on firm ground
in whose limbs there is latent flight
Sacred and anxious.
As Young Goodman Brown made his journey from home, he took a desolate road which was covered with the gloomiest trees of the forest. He was alone and he feared that something bad could happen to him.
When he met the old man with grave and decent clothes, he got scared and anxious to see him in the lonely woods. He couldn't even reply without a tremor in his voice when the old man asked him a question. This indicates that Young Goodman Brown was scared and anxious when he met the old man.
He needs Brutus to support his plot against Caesar