Relative location shows how things are related by technology, distance or culture.
The advantages of relative location for commercial activities are: forming a sense of community by getting to know your customers better, having repeat customers who are more likely to be loyal because they live in close proximity, the ability to advertise locally which can attract new customers, you can reward local customers which can increase loyalty, and can contribute to the local community by benefiting customers and local nonprofits.
Here are some sources of ocean pollution:
<span>Oil. Petroleum products used for fuel are mined from the earth deep below the ocean surfaces.
Air Pollution.
<span>Agricultural Runoff</span></span>
The trade of goods between the New World and Old World
Answer: some scholars have argued that images stemming from this era of constant violence and banditry have survived to the present day in the form of metaphysical fears and beliefs concerning witchcraft. In many cultures of West and Central Africa,
credit to :met museum
The 3 major mountain ranges in the United States are the Pacific ranges and Rocky Mountains in the west and the Appalachian mountains in the east. The Pacific ranges are on the northwestern coast of the United States. The Rocky Mountains are in the western United States but east of the Pacific ranges. They extend all the way from Canada into Mexico and cover 8 states. The Appalachian Mountains are near the East Coast of the United States. They extend from Canada to Alabama. The main difference between the eastern mountain ranges and the western mountain ranges is their ages and heights. The Appalachian Mountain range is the oldest range in the United States. Because of this, the range has faced weathering and erosion, which has worn the mountains down. The highest peaks in the Appalachians are only 6,000 feet. The ranges in the west are much younger and in some cases still growing. The mountains in the west are much higher than those in the east, with peaks over 14,000 ft.